Author: gileriodekel
My Entheogenic Mormon Experience
I have been doing a lot more research on Entheogenic Mormonism. For those who are unaware, entheogens are substances, usually
Perspectives on Priesthood
I have been exploring the concept of Mormon spirituality outside of the context of the LDS church and Christianity as
Deseret Community: Encouraging Healthy Spiritual Exploration Through a Mormon Lens
Many Mormons over the years had hoped to make the LDS church a place for “big tent Mormonism”. That is
Continue readingDeseret Community: Encouraging Healthy Spiritual Exploration Through a Mormon Lens
Thoughts on theism
Growing up I was taught either the LDS church is true or literally nothing else is true. So naturally when
I’ve been doing some research on Emanuel Swedenborg
I am becoming a Buddhist minister next month. I’ve loved researching Buddhism, and I feel like its allowed me to
Continue readingI’ve been doing some research on Emanuel Swedenborg
Here’s my trip report from my first time trying salvia
03/25/19 I’ve learned that dosage, mindset, and setting are the most important aspects of a good trip. Mindset: I wanted to
Continue readingHere’s my trip report from my first time trying salvia
B.H. Roberts made a 100% accurate prophesy.
I am most thoroughly convinced of the necessity of all the brethren herein addressed becoming familiar with these Book of
Would you look at that! B.H. Roberts’s “Studies of the Book of Mormon” has been added to
This book was written by a Q70 member who found many glaring problems with The Book of Mormon, including how