Author: gileriodekel
Community of Christ announced that their ordinations can be conducted via video chat due to covid. Here is a picture that was released of a priest getting ordained.
CoC has 8 core rituals, which are referred to as “Sacraments“. They include baptism, confirmation, communion, ordination, child blessing, healing
How Community of Christ views scripture
Its no secret that I am a wildcard. Earlier this year when I laid out everything I would need from a healthy
Gileriodekel’s Next Spiritual Step
Mormonism is a cornerstone of my life, as is spirituality. For years I’ve wanted a healthy Mormon spiritual community. I’ve wanted
List of Universal Mormon Church posts
08/18/2020: -Serious- Let’s start our own sect of Mormonism! 08/23/2020: -Serious- Let’s start our own sect of Mormonism! Join the chat right
The Book of Mormon Musical is racist
The Book of Mormon Musical goes above and beyond portraying Africans, especially black Africans, as “lovable but ignorant” and leans
I recently wrote a post about about my relationship with the sacrament. To me, it is a ritual that has symbolic meaning
Nephi is abused and scared of his brothers.
I am working on Gileriodekel’s Book of Mormon, and I came across LDS 2nd Nephi 4:15-35. I was particularly struck by this