Queerphobic Idaho Bills (2025)


House Concurrent Resolution 2: Commends the BSU volleyball team for refusing to play against a transgender athlete.

House Joint memorial 1: Asks the Supreme Court to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges which brought marriage equality to all Americans.

House Bill 10: Illegalizes public schools displaying Queer pride flags.

House Bill 41: Illegalizes public schools displaying Queer pride flags.

House Bill 45: Illegalizes city, county, and state governments displaying Queer pride flags.

House Bill 49: Illegalizes transgender people from using restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters that align with their gender identity in government buildings and facilities.

House Bill 59: grants healthcare providers broad legal protections to deny gender-affirming care, LGBTQ+ health services, and even basic medical treatment to Queer individuals based on personal moral or religious beliefs, effectively legalizing discrimination under the guise of “conscience rights.”

House Bill 96: Illegalizes public schools displaying Queer pride flags.

House Bill 179: “Human sexuality” is broadly defined to include sexual orientation, gender identity, and more. Teachers must sign a permission slip any time gender identity is being discussed in class, and teachers can be sued for $250 for damages if this law is broken.

House Bill 186: Expands Idaho’s indecent exposure law to criminalize the public exposure of medically or hormonally altered “male breasts” (they won’t say trans women are women, but they’ll treat us like women when its convenient for them)

House Bill 190: Illegalizes transgender people from using restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters that align with their gender identity in schools, domestic violence shelters, and correctional facilities.

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