Journal of Discourses Prefaces

The Journal of Discourses have a pseudo-canonical status for many Mormons, myself included. There are many platforms which have the entirety of the JoD transcribed, but amazingly very few of them have the prefaces of these. I was quite surprised by this, because the prefaces give valuable insights as to how these were meant to be received by Mormons. Back in 2017 I Frankensteined together the prefaces to create an accurate review of how the creators of the Journal of Discourses viewed it’s importance:

The Journal of Discourses is a vehicle of doctrine, counsel, instruction [10], information on eternal life [15], God’s law’s, and the Gospel of Christ, all of which are lucidly explained [20]. By the writings in these books, a man may gauge his progress towards eternal life [2]. When it’s teachings are adapted to your life it will help you gain the favor of God [23] and exhaltation [21] in the Celestial Kingdom [15]. It is the sacred writings of inspired men [16] and the word of God [4]. It ranks as a standard work and scripture of the church [8], as it is where the prophet declares “Thus saith the Lord;” [9]. It is the written embodiment of the fire of the Almighty that burned in His prophets and Apostles [4]. No saint can afford to do without the teachings found within [11], and all saints are expected to sustain it’s publication [12].

It unnecessary to dwell on how important the Journal of Discourses is, because it so significant [5].

In light of this, I have decided to transcribe all the prefaces and make them available here.

Volume 1

Letter from the First Presidency

Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

June 1st, 1853

Elder Samuel W. Richards and the Saints abroad.

Dear Brethren – It is well known to many of you, that Elder George D. Watt, by our counsel, spent much time in the midst of poverty and hardships to acquire the art of reporting in Phonography, which he has faithfully and fully accomplished; and he has been reporting the public Sermons, Discourses, Lectures, &c., delivered by the Presidency, the Twelve, and others in this city, for nearly two years, almost without fee or reward. Elder Watt now proposes to publish a Journal of these Reports, in England, for the benefit of the Saints at large, and to obtain means to enable him to sustain his highly useful position of Reporter. You will perceive at once that this will be a work of mutual benefit, and we cheerfully and warmly request your co-operation in the purchase and sale of the above-named Journal, and wish all the profits arising therefrom to be under the control of Elder Watt.

Brigham Young,

Heber C. Kimball,

Willard Richards

First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


To the Saints abroad.

This Journal of Discourses appears in a semi-monthly sheet of sixteen pages, upon good paper, and in a plain round type that aged persons can read with ease, and forms a Volume of nearly four hundred pages.

It affords me great pleasure in being able to put in your possession the words of the Apostles and Prophets, as they were spoken in the assemblies of the Saints in Zion, the value of which cannot be estimated by man, not so much for any great display of worldly learning and eloquence, as for the purity of doctrine, simplicity of style, and extensive amount of theological truth which they develop.

Realizing the moral and intellectual benefit the Saints at home derive from them, I have earnestly desired the time when you also would be enriched by the same incalculable treasure.

To those who are unacquainted with the Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who are mantled in the darkness of ages, whose minds are sunk in the almost impenetrable shades of error, uncertainty, and doubt, but who sincerely desire to know the truth, these Sermons will prove a source of light, information, and joy. And, according to the vocation which belongs to the Eternal Priesthood, all authorized ministers of God will hail their publication with gladness, for such an embodiment of doctrine will greatly accelerate the grand object they have in view – the salvation of souls, the instruction of Saints, and the building up of Zion in the last days.

Particularly to the Elders who are scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, far from those who alone can instruct them in the more exalted branches of the Everlasting Gospel, these Sermons will be most valuable, as a gauge of doctrine, a rule of rectitude, and a square to life, furnishing at the same time an expensive repository of historical information.

May the Lord prosper every department of His work and every laudable effort of His servants to instruct the ignorant, build up and establish the faithful, and gather the honest in heart from among all nations home to Zion.

In the bonds of the New and Everlasting Covenant, I remain your brother and fellow labourer,

George D. Watt

Volume 2

The Second Volume of the Journal of Discourses needs no recommendation to make it interesting to every Saint who loves to drink of the streams that flow from the fountains of Eternal Truth. It is made up of the choicest fruit that can be culled from the tree of knowledge, suited to the taste of all who can appreciate such delicious food. It contains the principles of the Gospel of Salvation to this generation. By the rules and precepts found in it, he that reads with the light of the Holy Spirit may measure himself and the progress he has made in the way of Eternal Life. Like a mirror it will reflect upon the souls of the meek and humble the beams of light which emanate from the presence of the Father. Hypocrites, and workers of iniquity, will find in it the most cutting rebukes, that, when  uttered, tingled the ears of those who heard, and caused the wicked to feel the canker worm of conscious guilt, which will gnaw upon their vitals until the day shall come when they have paid the penalty of transgression, and are permitted to reap the blessings of repentance.

As the Kingdom advances, and the Saints emerge from the receding shadows of sectarianism and the prejudices of early education, the revelations of the Lord, through His servants, abound with increasing intelligence, and are more cogent and powerful in administering rebuke to the wicked, comfort, and consolation to the Saints, and reveal more distinctly the way marks which point the way to exaltation and eternal lives.

There is a feast of fat things continually spread in Zion for the faithful, and longing appetite for celestial food need never go unsatisfied. Some discourses in this Volume mark distinct eras in the progress of the work. Among these we will only notice the discourses on the principles of Consecration, and those in which President Young has administered severe but well-merited rebuke to the General Government of the United States and its corrupt officials, and indicated the future course and policy of Utah.

According to the measure of light in which a man lives, the past serves as an index to the future. The marks which recent events have left on the dial plate of time, indicate a rapid increase in the brilliancy of the light which shines from Zion, and that the voice of “The Lion of the Lord” will increase the terror of the wicked, and send trembling and dismay into the camps of the enemy. Let him that would be saved watch and pray, and read with an understanding heart the words that flow from the lips of Prophets and Apostles, and, when he has read, practice the principles they teach.

Franklin D. Richards, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 3

We are privileged to present to the Saints and the world, the Third Volume of the Journal of Discourses, containing the principles of the Gospel of salvation delivered to this generation through the Apostles and Prophets of the Most High, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

These Discourses as they successively reach us from Zion, show to those who have the spirit of discernment that the Lord’s power is increasing among His people, and that He is purifying and bringing them nearer to Him by chastisements, while at the same time He is blessing them with a continual development of the pure principles of eternal life, in proportion as they yield obedience to His requirements.

The light of truth, as it emanates from the abode of the Eternal Father through His Priesthood on the earth, is exposing the corruptions of hypocrites and apostate spirits among the gathered Saints, and making the spiritual darkness of the surrounding nations more visible. it is also heaping condemnation upon those who still choose darkness rather than light.

Each successive Volume of these Discourses is a rich mine of wealth, containing gems of great value, and the diligent seeker will find ample reward for his labor. After the fathers and mothers of this generation have made them the study of their lives, their children’s children will find that they are still unexhausted, and rejoice that this Record has been handed down from their fathers to also aid them in following the way of life.

No one can remain a Saint long, unless he progresses by seeking after the higher knowledge, spirit, and power of those who are set to lead him. A little observation and experience will also satisfy him that he can never fully understand their sayings until he has advanced as far as they have, and sees and comprehends as they do, hence he will ever find their instructions the great fountain from which he must raw the elements of his own progress.

Orson Pratt, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 4

We have the satisfaction of offering to the Saints and the public the Fourth Volume of the Journal of Discourses.

It would be altogether gratuitous and uncalled for, on our part, to write a commendatory preface to the Discourses of the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles of this Church. To the Saints their words are as the words of God, their teachings fraught with heavenly wisdom, and their directions leading to salvation and eternal lives.

We believe that the present Volume is the most important of any yet placed in the hands of the Saints. It contains discourses, Remarks, and Exhortations, delivered at the time of the great Reformation among the Saints in Zion. It shows the noble and mighty efforts of the authorities to purify the children of Zion, and prepare them for the great day of redemption. it is the written embodiment of the fire of the Almighty that burned in His Prophets and Apostles at that momentous epoch in the history of the Latter-day Church. The influence of that Reformation was felt by heaven, earth, and hell. It called down power and blessings from the celestial world to rest upon the Anointed Ones. It strengthened the union of the Saints, and added brightness to their faith. It made Satan and his hosts rage and tremble.

Besides those delivered at the Reformation, the Fourth Volume contains Discourses and remarks full of new ideas, improved schemes relative to emigration and other matters, and counsel and  instructions suitable to the advanced and peculiar condition of the people, and the development of the work of the last days. Moreover, throughout the whole Volume, we see signs that the day of God’s power is at hand, and that the fire of the Almighty is proceeding forth from the leaders of Israel.

Samuel Whitney Richards, Mission President of Europe

Volume 5

This Number completes the Fifth volume of the Journal of Discourses.

At the close of the last Volume it was not unlikely that the source from whence the Journal is supplied would be beyond our reach at the needful time, or that important events would hush for a season the oracles of God. But from the number of Discourses delivered during the latter part of last year and the early part of this, previous to the absorbing events succeeding, we have thus been enabled to complete the present Volume.

it is unnecessary for us to dwell on the importance of the Discourses contained herein and the value of this Volume to the Saints’ library, seeing that it represents a part of the most trying season of the Church. We therefore commend it to its readers without further preface, and we are confident that in years to come the value of the Fifth Volume to its possessors will be enhanced.

Asa Calkin, Mission President of Europe

Volume 6

In publishing the last two Volumes of the Journal of Discourses, there have been more than ordinary difficulties to labour under. One of the effects of the wicked Expedition against the Saints in the Mountains was a suspension in the delivery of Discourses by the leading Elders of the Church. Nor was this all. As Jesus the Beloved Son was once left by his Father, that he might show forth the great integrity of his soul, so also it seemed at this time wisdom in the Father to leave his beloved Saints to manifest the vast integrity of their souls. Therefore the Lord and his Prophets and Apostles, for a moment, as it were, hid themselves, and the voices of the Shepherds were not so often heard.

Of course, all this told upon the publication of the Journal of Discourses; for if there were no Discourses delivered, they could not be published; so that, to prevent the Journal from being discontinued, we were compelled to publish Sermons delivered in past years, some of which had already published in the Star. But, although necessity compelled us thus to act, there are several good ends thereby reached. The Journal of Discourses will become a complete journal of all the sermons delivered by the First Presidency and the Twelve. Besides this, in the Sixth Volume will be found published some of the choicest Sermons of the Prophet Brigham, and also many choice gems from others of the leading Shepherds of Israel. The Sixth Volume, therefore, cannot be other than aa choice Volume to all its possessors, while many Saints have had the privilege of reading and possessing these gems of inspiration who were not in the Church when they were delivered.

We now respectfully offer to its readers the Sixth Volume of the Journal of Discourses. But we cannot close this preface without expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father that the voices of the Shepherds of Israel are again heard, which gives us the prospect of publishing in the Seventh Volume many of their words of inspiration, power, and salvation.

Asa Calkin, Mission President of Europe

Volume 7

Venerable custom and the formalities of book-making seem to call for prefaces with some show of authority; yet, it is not so imperative that long ones should be written. Although complying, then, with venerable custom in this matter, we do not propose writing a long preface to this Volume.

In presenting to its patrons, completed, the Seventh Volume of the Journal of Discourses, we do not deem it necessary to descant largely on the merits of this work, and the future value of a complete set of volumes of Discourses of the First Presidency and leading men of the Church. A bare reference to that fact will suffice to bring it out to the appreciation of its subscribers, and they will readily see how much the importance and value of their libraries in Zion will be enhanced in years to come by a complete series of the Journal of Discourses. Moreover, independent of these considerations, their present value and present interest far transcend their cost, or the pains of a careful reading.

In offering the Seventh Volume of the Journal of Discourses to its patrons, we shall leave it to declare its own intrinsic merits to those who have read its contents, while of the future volumes let it suffice to affirm that there is abundant reason to expect that, in the eventful times to come, the Discourses of the First Presidency and leading authorities of the Church will increase in their importance and add to the richness of their treasures.

Amasa Lyman, Mission President of Britain, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 8

The Journal of Discourses deservedly ranks as one of the standard works of the Church, and ever right-minded Saint will certainly welcome with joy every Number as it comes forth from the press as an additional reflector of “the light that shines from Zion’s hill.”

We rejoice, therefore, in being able to present to the Saints another completed Volume – the Eighth of the series; and, in doing so, we sincerely commend the varied and important instructions it contains to their earnest consideration.

George Q. Cannon, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 9

After a long night of darkness, which has covered Christendom like a pall, the light of Heaven has again burst forth to cheer and bless mankind. The keys of knowledge, long lost from among men, have been, with the Priesthood, once more restored to the earth. For centuries there has been no man in Christendom authorized to say “Thus saith the Lord;” and men have had to be dependent upon the knowledge and experience of those who in former generations received the revelations of Jesus. But now this has changed. Through the Gospel which has been restored, with the Priesthood, in its fullness and purity, the mind of the Lord respecting the inhabitants of the earth is being made known unto men.

The Journal of Discourses goes forth to the world as another record corroborating those already extant, bearing the same testimony to the immutable principles of salvation which they have borne, and giving additional light upon many points concerning the salvation of this generation on which they are silent. All men can be profited by perusing its pages and pondering over the words of truth and salvation as they flow in beautiful simplicity and power from the mouths of the Living Oracles.

That this Volume may go forth and fill its destined mission, and remain an imperishable memento of God’s kindness and his desire to save His erring children, is the prayer of the editor.

George Q. Cannon, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 10

We have the satisfaction of again presenting to the Saints and the public another Volume of the Journal of Discourses.

The present Number completes the tenth Volume, and we expect it will prove as interesting and instructive as the former have done. it would be a work of supererogation to pen a preface upon the writings or sermons of the First Presidency or the Twelve APostles, they speak for themselves; but, we can only say that as every day seems to increase the prosperity of Zion, and crown with success the labors of the Servants of God the present Volume containing as it does many discourses on Temporal and Spiritual improvements, the development of the Work, &c., ought to prove a valuable acquisition to all those who love the truth, and long for the redemption of scattered Israel.

Daniel H. Wells, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 11

Each successive year the power of God is manifestly increasing upon His people, and more especially upon His ministers in the Holy Priesthood, whose duty it is to build up and instruct the Church in His most holy will.

The “Journal of Discourses” is a vehicle of doctrine, counsel, and instruction to all people, but especially to the Saints. It follows, then, that each successive volume is more and more valuable as the Church increases in numbers and importance in the earth, and its doctrines become more abundantly developed and are brought into practical exercise by His peculiar people. Every step of its advancement is fraught with the greatest possible importance to the human family.

No Saint can afford to do without these precious precepts until they are able to exemplify them in their daily lives and conversations.

Brigham Young Jr., Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 12

Each discourse is this the XIIth volume of the “Journal” commends itself to thoughtful perusal, being plain, practical, and of much worth to all who desire to keep pace with the progress of truth.

While Zion is so rapidly and prosperously lengthening her cords and strengthening her stakes, it behooves all to be acquainted with the teachings pertaining to her advancement and the perfecting of the Saints; and inasmuch as the Journal of Discourses affords such excellent facilities for an acquaintance with those teachings, it is both desired and expected that the lovers of truth and of their own best interests will at all times sustain its publication and profit by its perusal so far as may be in their power.

Albert Carrington, Mission President of Europe

Volume 13

The Thirteenth Volume of the “Journal” contains discourses upon a great variety of subjects of interest to all Saints, and is all well worthy of being carefully preserved and frequently referee to for instruction and encouragement in their endeavors to live by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God, through His servants who hold the Holy Priesthood.

Horace S. Eldredge, First Seven Presidents of the Seventy

Volume 14

In times such as the present, the discourses of the leaders of Israel cannot be else than of the highest interest to every soul who has embraced the Gospel for the love of the truth. With this knowledge we present the Fourteenth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES to the Saints, realizing that any words of commendation on our part would not only be entirely out of place, but worse that superfluous.

George Reynolds, defacto Mission President of Europe

Volume 15

We take great pleasure in presenting to the Saints and the world the Fifteenth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES, which they will find contains rich treasures of information concerning the glorious principles of Eternal Life, as revealed through God’s anointed servants in these last days.

All who read the discourses contained in this VOlume are earnestly recommended to adapt them to their lives by practice, and we can confidently assure them that, in doing so, they are laying up a store of knowledge that will save and exalt them in the Celestial kingdom.

Albert Carrington, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Mission President of Europe

Volume 16

We now present to the Latter-day Saints, and all lovers of truth, the Sixteenth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES of President Brigham Young, his Counselors, the Twelve Apostles, and others; confident that all who feel an interest in the advancement of the great Latter-day Work, and the spread of truth upon the earth, will peruse its pages with joy and profit unto themselves, and preserve it as containing sacred writings of inspired men.

Joseph F. Smith, Counselor in the First Presidency (and future prophet)

Volume 17

We take great pleasure in presenting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the Seventeenth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES of President Brigham Young, his Counselors, and the Twelve Apostles. In doing so we feel confident that the work will be received by the Saints with much satisfaction. it is replete with good teachings and wise counsels, and it may be read with profit by all lovers of truth.

Albert Carrington, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Mission President of Europe

Volume 18

We now present the Eighteenth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES to the Saints and to all lovers of truth.

We feel confident that the important instructions on principle and doctrine therein contained, relative to the building of Temples, the salvation of the dead, the introduction of the Order of Enoch, and the general progress and development of the great Latter-day Work, will prove as interesting, gratifying, and beneficial to the Saints and to posterity, as those that have been previously published through this medium.

We regret that the circulation of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES is so limited. Its importance would warrant a thousand-fold greater extension of this work. We anticipate a time, not distant in the future, when  a copy of the present volume will be more precious than gold. it is even now almost impossible to obtain a complete series. Copies should therefore be carefully preserved by all subscribers.

We also, with feelings of regret, chronicle here, which we think a befitting place, the death – on July 5th, 1876 – of Elder David W. Evans, to whom for many years we have been indebted for the reports of the discourses of the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles, and others. His death being the cause of the temporary suspension of the publication of this journal.

In his demise the Saints have sustained the temporal loss of a faithful and worthy brother, and the public a devoted and able servant.

Joseph F. Smith, Counselor in the First Presidency (and future prophet)

Volume 19

The Nineteenth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES is not a whit behind its predecessors in the simplicity of its contents, or the advanced character of the truths contained therein.

It is impossible to give monetary value to the past volumes of this publication, and the best evidence that they are appreciated, is to be found in the fact that they are sought alike by non-members as well as by members of the Church, and in contrast with many works of greater presentations, book-stalls are searched in vain for even solitary copies.

This volume contains the last discourses of our late venerated leader, President B. Young; here, with those delivered by his associates of the Twelve, they are enshrined to show to unborn generations the grand development of progressive man when subject to the teachings of the Eternal Spirit.

Years shall enhance the interest and importance of these columns as a library of reference and repository of truth.

William Budge, Mission President of Europe

Volume 20

We take pleasure in presenting to the lovers of truth the Twentieth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES.

It contains lucid explanations of the laws and doctrines of the true Gospel of Christ, and inspirational teachings suited to the circumstances of the people to whom they were delivered.

Those who read the utterances of the servants of God, contained in this book, under the same influence by which the speakers were inspired, cannot fail to receive profit from perusal. Therefore, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

William Budge, Mission President of Europe

Volume 21

In presenting the Twenty-first Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES to our readers, we pray that those who read the counsels therein given, may do so by the light of the Holy Spirit of Truth, that great benefit may be obtained therefrom, and that by a wise application of the teachings of God’s servants, from time to time, the Saints may finally be exalted in His heavenly Kingdom.

Albert Carrington, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Mission President of Europe

Volume 22

With much pleasure we present to our readers the Twenty-second Volume of the JOURNAL OF  DISCOURSES, trusting that the inspired remarks of God’s servants, therein compiled, will prove an additional source of happiness and peace to the Saints, and of general instruction to all who peruse its pages.

Albert Carrington, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Mission President of Europe

Volume 23

The Twenty-third Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES, now complete, will, we feel assured, be considered as acceptable reading matter by the Latter-day Saints who may be favored with its perusal. That they may be stimulated to greater faithfulness by the valuable instructions and exhortations therein contained is the desire of.

John Henry Smith, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 24

This, the Twenty-fourth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES, like its predecessors, consists of sermons of Latter-day Saints, extemporaneously delivered and phonographically reported. That those who are privileged with its perusal may profit not only by the letter, but by the spirit also of the utterances herein recorded, is the earnest desire of the publisher.

John Henry Smith, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 25

In presenting this Twenty-fifth Volume of the Journal of Discourses to our readers, we express the hope that they may be inspired by the same spirit in perusing those discourses, that our brethren enjoyed in delivering them, and that the fruits may be seen in increased diligence and faith in the lives of the Latter-day Saints.

John Henry Smith, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Volume 26

By the blessing of our Heavenly Father we are enabled to present to our readers Volume Twenty-six of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES.

It will not be less appreciated because its completion has been some what delayed by the unsettled condition of things in utah, caused by persecution. The First Presidency and many of the Apostles have had to partially withdraw from public life to avoid the consequences of mock trials and packed juries with which a prejudiced and wicked judiciary are seeking to harass the servants of God, and hence public discourses by these brethren have lately been rare.

But while power is thus given to our enemies for a little season, when the purposes of the Almighty have been accomplished thereby, this temporary cloud will pass away and leave Zion purer, freer, and more powerful than before.

Daniel H. Wells, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles