My Thoughts Regarding IHQ Callings

Today Steve Veazey announced some big changes to church leadership. They can be read in multiple languages here.

In short:

  • Stassi Cramm – Released as Presiding Bishop (but will remain First Presidency counselor)
  • Ron Harmon – Released as Apostle and called as Presiding Bishop
  • Barbara Tooze Carter – Released as Apostle
  • Steven E. Graffeo – Released as Presiding Bishopric counselor
  • Angela Alt. Ramirez de Hernandez – Called as Apostle
  • Shandra Newcom – Called as Apostle
  • Wim van Klinken – Called as Presiding Bishopric counselor
  • Carla Long – Called as Presiding Bishopric counselor

There are a couple of chief thoughts I have:

1. Stassi is no longer Presiding Bishop

Last year I sat down and studied the history of Community of Christ’s Presidential Succession. If we omit the outliers (JS3 and Fred M.) Steve at this point is at the median age of retirement and his tenure is already longer than the average. There is a very real chance that Steve Veazey may retire at next year’s World Conference.

One of the most common historic methods of presidential succession has been to make a First Presidency counselor the next president of the church. The fact that Stassi Cramm was just released from being the Presiding Bishop suggests that Steve is preparing Stassi to become the President of the church.

2. Carla Long will no longer be the Pastor of the SLC congregation

Carla’s new calling will require her to move to Independence and she will no longer be able to be the pastor of the SLC congregation.

Her ministry in SLC included working on Project Zion, creating wonderful videos (both on YouTube and Facebook) which tackle difficult topics, and in general creating a loving and understanding community. Its no secret that Latter-Day Seekers are the people who are converting to the church the most, and Carla has done a wonderful job at helping spiritually traumatized people join and acclimate to CoC. Her ministry in one reason why I consider the SLC congregation a flagship one.

While Carla will be a major blessing to the church as a whole in this leadership position, without Carla at the helm of SLC it leaves this key congregation in a state of uncertainty.