Month: October 2020
I recently wrote a post about about my relationship with the sacrament. To me, it is a ritual that has symbolic meaning
Nephi is abused and scared of his brothers.
I am working on Gileriodekel’s Book of Mormon, and I came across LDS 2nd Nephi 4:15-35. I was particularly struck by this
TIL there was another book of scripture called “The Book of Joseph” (of Egypt) that went untranslated.
Read about it here Basically all of LDS 2nd Nephi 3 talks about what Joseph supposedly said
TIL there have been 8 different types of Moroni statues atop LDS temples
Read about them here
God isn’t perfect
At Universal Mormon Church last week someone brought up a familiar concept: eternal progression. This is a concept that many
These are the first sketches of the Independence Temple
See them here