We have compiled a list of resources regarding entheogens in the Restoration:
Scholarly Papers and Articles:
“The Higher Powers of Man” by Fred M. Smith (1918)
“Hearts Made Glad: The charges of Intemperance against Joseph Smith the Mormon prophet” by LaMar Petersen (1975)
“Ethnohistorical Aspects of Peyotism and Mescalism.” by Omer C. Stewart (1979)
“The Higher Powers: Fred M. Smith and the Peyote Ceremonies” by Shelby M. Barnes (December 1995)
“Restoration and the Sacred Mushroom” by Robert T. Beckstead, (August 2007)
“A 1920s Harvard Psychedelic Circle with a Mormon Connection: Peyote Use Amongst the ‘Harvard Aesthetes’.” by Alan Piper
“Entheogens, Myth, and Human Consciousness” by Carl A. P. Ruck and Mark Alwin Hoffman, pages 63-67, (January 8th, 2013)
“The entheogenic origins of Mormonism: A working hypothesis” by Robert Beckstead, Bryce Blankenagel, Cody Noconi, and Michael Winkelman in The Journal of Psychedelic Studies (June 1st, 2019)
“Social Gospel through Enlightened Higher Power: Frederick Madison Smith, Peyote, and Illumination” by Gregory M. Edwards (2019)
“The Psychedelic History of Mormonism, Magic, and Drugs” by Cody Noconi (October 8th, 2021)
“Frederick M. Smith: The Psychonautic Prophet” by Evan Sharley (January 29th, 2022)
“Psychedelics as a Means of Revelation in Early and Contemporary Mormonism (Part 1)” by Alex Criddle
“Psychedelics as a Means of Revelation in Early and Contemporary Mormonism (Part 2)” by Alex Criddle
“A Real Spiritual High: In Defense of Psychedelic Mysticism” by Alex Criddle
“Psychedelics as Sacred Objects” by Alex Criddle
“The Psychedelic history of Joseph Smith and Mormon religion” by Jakub Jahl (2023)
“The Mormon Psychedelic Renaissance: Plant Medicines to Heal Religious Trauma?” by Dr. Beatriz Caiuby Labate and Joseph West (July 27th, 2022)
Psychedelic History of Mormonism Symposium, with presenters Alex Criddle, Cody Noconi, and Bryce Blankenagel – Part 1 (2023)
Psychedelic History of Mormonism Symposium, with presenters Alex Criddle, Cody Noconi, and Bryce Blankenagel – Part 2 (2023)
“Mainstreaming Psychedelic Mormonism” by Sunstone Symposium (July 28th, 2023)
“‘I Know the Entheogenic Theory is True’: Herbal Knowledge, The Smith Family, and Psychedelic Use in Early Mormonism” by Cody Noconi, Bryce Blankenagel, and Alex Criddle (coming soon)
Historical Accounts:
Chapters 9 and 10 of “The Magus” by Francis Barrett, a book known to be owned by the Smiths, proscribed the use of psychoactives such as henbane, poppies, and mandrake (1801)
Emma Smith’s Datura Salve Recipe (1867)
Letter from Jasper Jesse Moss to James T. Cobb (December 17th, 1878)
“Joy for the Topers.” Manti Messenger (Vol. 3 No. 16), January 24th, 1896. p2.
Public discussion of the issues between the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Church of Christ (Disciples) : held in Kirtland, Ohio, beginning February 12th, and closing March 8, 1884 Between E.L. Kelley of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Clark Braden of The Church of Christ (Disciples). (1913)
“Preparation” by Fred M. Smith (August 19th, 1914)
“Eleven Hours in a ‘Piote’ Tent” by Elmer E. Long (November 1st, 1919)
“A Trip Among the Omaha Indians” by Fred M. Smith (November 26th, 1919)
“A Trip Among the Indians of Oklahoma” by Fred M. Smith (December 24th, 1919)
“An Experience with Peyote” by Mrs. Edgar Butts (May 19, 1920)
“Onset, Kirtland, and Indian Reunions” by Gomer T. Griffiths (September 6th, 1920)
“Among the Indians of Wyoming” by Alvin Knisley (October 20th, 1920)
“Autobiography of a Pioneer Preacher” by Jasper Jesse Moss (January 26th, 1938)
Podcasts and Presentations:
“The Mormons: Joseph Smith’s Psychedelic Voyage with Dr. Robert Terry Beckstead and James W Flaming Eagle Mooney” by GnosticMedia.com (2010)
“Special Edition Episode 35 – Trippin’ Through the Aeons” by Naked Mormonism Podcast (December 22, 2016)
“Special Edition Episode 36 – Joseph’s Technicolor Dream-Stone” by Naked Mormonism Podccast (December 29, 2016)
“Revelation Through Hallucination: A Treatise on the Smith-entheogen Theory” by Cody Noconi and Bryce Blankenagel (January 1st, 2017)
“Episode 59 – CC Smith Entheogen Theory Part 1” by Naked Mormonism (July 20, 2017)
“Did Joseph Smith Drug the Mormons? Smith Entheogen Theory Revelation Through Hallucination” by Cody Noconi and Bryce Blankenagel (August 10, 2017)
“Episode 135 – Frederick G. Williams in Memoriam” by Naked Mormonism Podcast (December 28, 2018)
“Episode 176 – Smith-entheogen Theory at JWHA 2019” by Naked Mormonism Podcast (October 11, 2019)
“Episode 186 – The Entheogenic Origins of Mormonism: A Working Hypothesis pt.1” by Naked Mormonism Podcast (December 20, 2019)
“Episode 187 – The Entheogenic Origins of Mormonism: A Working Hypothesis pt.2” by Naked Mormonism Podcast (December 26, 2019)
“Episode 188 – The Entheogenic Origins of Mormonism: A Working Hypothesis pt. 3” by Naked Mormonism Podcast (January 3, 2020)
“Intro: Mormons And Drugs Podcast” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (April 2, 2020)
“Episode 01: The Smith Family Part 1: Lucy Mack & Joseph Smith Senior” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (April 8, 2020)
“Episode 02: The Smith Family Part 2: Smith Family Values” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (April 14, 2020)
“Episode 03: Joe Smith The Teenage Witch” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (April 21, 2020)
“Episode 04: Money Diggers And Treasure Guardians” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (April 29, 2020)
“Episode 05: Jo’s 1826 Court Trial For Occult Conmanship” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (May 6, 2020)
“Episode 06: The Science Of Psychedelics, Part 1 (Tangential Rants)” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (May 13, 2020)
“Episode 07: The Science Of Psychedelics, Part 2 (Tangential Rants)” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (May 20, 2020)
“Episode 08: The Gold Bible, Flipping From Occultist To Prophet” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (May 27, 2020)
“Episode 09: White Supremacy & Aryan Heaven (Tangential Rants)” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (June 10, 2020)
“Episode 10: Martin Harris…Dum Dum Dum Dum Dumb” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (June 16, 2020)
“Episode 11: Psychedelic Monks Of The 17th Century (Tangential Rant)” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (June 29, 2020)
“Episode 12: Three Very Visionary Witnesses” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (July 3, 2020)
“Episode 13: More Visionary Witnesses And The Gold Bible Is Printed” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (July 14, 2020)
“Episode 14: Contents Of The Book Of Mormon (Tangential Rants)” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (July 21, 2020)
“Episode 15: Mormonism Finally Unveiled” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (July 30, 2020)
“Episode 16: Kirtland Mormonism” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (August 6, 2020)
“Mormon Claims | Did Joseph Smith use Psychoactive Substances” by Adventures with Lewis (December 27th, 2020)
“Psychedelics & Mormons” by Mormon Facts (May 18th, 2021)
“Episode 17: Entheogenic Feasts And Teenage Brides” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (February 7, 2022)
“Episode 18: Mormon Parties And Lamanite Giants” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (March 16, 2022)
“Episode 19: A Psychedelic Temple Dedication” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (March 30, 2022)
“Episode 20 : The Rantiest Of Tangents” by Mormons And Drugs Podcast (May 12, 2022)
“Brandon Crockett – Mormon on Mushrooms: Talking Psychedelics with Frshminds” by Frshminds (June 15th, 2022)
“Hallucinogenics & Mormonism w/ Bryce Blankenagel” by Mormon Book Reviews (October 20th, 2022)
“Mormons, Magic & Drugs: An Interview with Cody Noconi” by The Earth Keepers Podcast (November 8th, 2022)
“131: The Psychedelic History of Mormons, Magic and Drugs (w/ Cody Noconi & Brandon Crockett)” by Mormons on Mushrooms (March 7th, 2023)
“00: Roughly Stoned: Introduction” by Roughly Stoned / Mormons on Mushrooms (April 4th, 2023)
“01: Roughly Stoned: Bryce Blankenagel Part 1 (Naked Mormonism, The Glass Box)” by Roughly Stoned / Mormons on Mushrooms (April 4th, 2023)
“02: Roughly Stoned: Bryce Blankenagel Part 2 (Naked Mormonism, The Glass Box)” by Roughly Stoned / Mormons on Mushrooms (April 18th, 2023)
“06: Roughly Stoned: I Know the Entheogenic Theory is True w/ Alex Criddle” by Roughly Stoned / Mormons on Mushrooms (September 11th, 2023)
“Cody Noconi | The Psychedelic History of Mormonism, Magic, & Drugs” by The Higher Side Chats (January 24th, 2024)
“EntheoMagus” by Brandon Crockett (coming soon)
“Did Early LDS Church Use Drugs? New Documentary” by Mormon Book Reviews (March 28th, 2024)
“EntheoMagus: The Psychedelic Origins of Mormonism and Joseph Smith” by Mind Escape (April 6th, 2024)
“27: EntheoMagus: Psychedelics, Mystical Experiences, and Early Mormonism” by Mystics and Muons (April 17th, 2024)
“Psychedelics & Early Mormonism Theory Brian Hales Responds” by Mormon Book Reviews (April 23rd, 2024)
Contemporary Experiences and Testimonies:
“My Entheogenic Mormon Experience” by Evan Sharley (September 20th, 2019)
“I Was a Mormon. Then I Found Psychedelics.” by Brandon Crockett (January 19, 2021)
“Psychedelic Joseph Smith (Pt. 1) (The Book of Mormons 2)” by Jakub Jahl (May 23rd, 2023)
“Mormon Mycologist Intro: Mormonism, Magic Mushrooms, Psilocybin, and the Psychedelic Faith Crisis” by The Mormon Mycologist (July 1st, 2023)
“Q&A With The Director Of The Film “EntheoMagus”” by Alex Koritz and Brandon Crockett (May 28th, 2024)
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