An Exhaustive Introduction to Community of Christ


I have seen many people ask for a sort of “starting place” to become acquainted with Community of Christ. I have had various things that I have pointed people to, but I thought it might be a good idea to create a centralized place for all of my recommendations!

Please be aware: I have compiled a lot of resources here. This is as simple or as comprehensive as you want it to be. If you are going for simple, I would read Sharing in Community of Christ, and pick out Project Zion Podcast episodes or Carla Long’s videos which interest you.


Bible: Community of Christ is a member of the National Council of Churches, which is kind of like a coalition of a bunch of Christian sects. The NCC developed the New Revised Standard Version of the bible, and that is the version of the bible that is most commonly quoted in Community of Christ today. However, other versions are very welcomed.

The Book of Mormon: Community of Christ has 2 official versions of the Book of Mormons: The “Authorized Version” and the “Revised Authorized Version“. The latter has some grammatical tweaks that make the story flow a bit better (as I illustrate here), but they’re essentially the same. I am also working on a contemporary-english version here. It should be noted that the chapter and versing system was developed independent of the LDS church’s chapters and verses, and so the two traditions’ referencing system doesn’t match. You can buy physical copies of the BoM here.

The Doctrine and Covenants: Community of Christ, on average, adds a new section to its D&C every 2 years. Currently there are 165 sections. This is a member-created website of all the sections, this is where you can buy physical copies, and this is where you can buy a digital copy.

The Inspired Version: Community of Christ has the entire “Joseph Smith Translation” of the Bible, and can be purchased here.

Sharing in Community of Christ

Sharing in Community of Christ” is probably the best starting place. It is the collaborative result of many leaders, teams, and individuals to concisely convey and explore CoC’s identity, mission, message, and beliefs. Some particularly noteworthy extracts include:

The Mission Initiatives, which we believe are the aspects of Christ’s mission, and therefore our mission.

The Mission Prayer, which is a commonly-used mantra for us to meditate on as we pray.

The Enduring Principles (summarized here), are the values that Community of Christ has had an affinity for since its inception.

Basic Beliefs, which touch briefly on many different topics

Sacraments (summarized here), which are the rituals that Community of Christ performs. (Note: “Evangelist’s Blessing” was formerly referred to as “Patriarchal Blessing”)

Temples as Life-giving Symbol, which summarizes what the temple is and what it means to us. There are no secret rituals which are performed in the temples.

We Proclaim Jesus Christ, which is a summary of our relationship with Christ.

The 9 Scripture Affirmations, which summarize what scripture is and isn’t for us.

Perspectives on Church History, which summarizes our relationship with our past.

Content I’ve Created

I joined Community of Christ, specifically the online Beyond the Walls congregation, on February 6th, 2021, and was confirmed over a streamed service which you can watch here. I have been passionately studying Community of Christ history, theology, and culture since then! I have created a number of things which i feel are valuable resources:

My conversion story

Joining a Church You’ve Never Been to” is my 2021 Sunstone presentation. It is a summary of my spiritual journey and Community of Christ history.

Eschatology in Community of Christ Though the Ages” is my 2022 Sunstone Presentation. It is a summary of Community of Christ’s relationship with the afterlife from 1829 to the present.

My testimony for the All Voices Conference

My peace lesson on 3rd and 4th Nephi

My lesson on D&C 150:7 and accompanying prayer

My “Light and Truth” sermon, about why dissent is important and pushes progress

The Book of Mormon: Plain and Precious Truths, which is my project to create an inclusive and plain english version of the Book of Mormon.

My art

Emma Smith was a complete badass

Letter from Steve Veazey

I made a chart comparing Community of Christ prophet-presidents’ ages at ordination and at retirement/death as well as their length of tenures

Thoughts on Jacob and Enos

Powerful Words from King Benjamin

In light of all the recent LDS excommunications I want to talk about Community of Christ’s “Faithful Disagreement Policy”.

Nephite Racism

The Purpose of Community of Christ’s temple in Independence

When I encounter homophobia I lean on these verses from Community of Christ’s D&C

Queer Advocacy Works in Community of Christ

Old RLDS Plan of Redemption / Plan of Salvation Preaching Charts

History of Community of Christ’s Prophetic Succession

Data on the Doctrine and Covenants

John Hamer Lectures

John Hamer grew up LDS and has since joined Community of Christ and become a Seventy and also the pastor of the Toronto, Canada congregation. He is a historian, mapmaker, and graphic artist who has done a wonderful job of conveying many topics which span our history, theology, and culture. He has appeared on many podcasts, but also helps posts weekly lectures on his congregation’s YouTube page (and are consolidated in a list here). The following are some of my favorite videos he has helped produce:

History of the Community of Christ: part 1 (1820-1844), part 2 (1844-1860), part 3 (1860-1910), Part 4 (1910-present)

Community of Christ as Church Home for Transitioning Mormons part 1 and part 2

Undefining ‘God’, which helped me give up pre-conceived notions of who and what God was and allowed me to explore healthier conceptions which better resonate with me.

The Book of Mormon: 19th Century Context, Authorship, and Meaning Today, which provide a great examination of this controversial book of scripture.

The Bible As Seen through Reformation Lenses, which drastically shifted my understanding of scripture.

The Historical Jesus, which provides an overview of what can and cannot be known about the historical Jesus and will talk about the difference between the portrait painted by academic history, the portraits painted by scripture, and the experience of the divine Christ as understood by Christians.

Homosexuality and the Bible, which takes a look at what the Bible does and doesn’t have to say about homosexuality. In contrast to the claims of many Evangelical Christians, the component texts of the Bible do not condemn same-sex orientation.

Joseph Smith the Seer, which seeks to cut through the mythic portrayal of the young Joseph Smith Jr. to try to understand him in his historical context.

Community of Christ’s Special Calling in the 21st Century, where he outlines his belief in the value of inclusive community institutions in a polarized world that is rapidly turning its back on progressive institutional churches

Bishop Carla Long’s Youtube Channel

Carla Long is a Bishop and also a pastor (the two aren’t necessarily the same thing). She has a youtube channel where she touches on topics that are very pressing for many people in videos that are typically under 5 minutes long. You can find all of her videos here, but these are the ones that stood out to me:

Does God Want Your Obedience?: Carla explains that “obedience” is typically essentially used as a threat, which is not how God works.

Are You Worthy of God’s Love?: “Your worth does not grow or diminish because of who you are, what you believe, whom you love, or what you do. There is nothing, nothing, nothing you can do that would make God love you any more or any less than God already does.”

Is It Time to Rethink God?: “God is much, much, much more than an old man on a throne, or a beautiful forest, or even a hug between two people. God has many different faces. … It becomes blasphemous when a religion or a person or a church says that they know exactly who God is.”

The Fall of the One True Church: Carla explains the pitfalls of the “One True Church” mentality and how she and Community of Christ gave it up.

De-Weaponizing Scripture: “… If you are using scripture to make sure that you stand out from another person to show them what you were doing is right and another is doing is wrong; if you’re using the Bible to put someone on the other side of a line that you have drawn in the sand, then you aren’t using scripture correctly. You are weaponizing scripture, and that is simply wrong.”

Don’t Doubt Your Doubts: Using the story of Abraham, Carla illustrates how doubts are an important factor of growing spiritually.

Other Resources

Community of Christ’s Youtube channel

Beyond the Walls Sunday Services

Beyond the Walls Social Hour, a place to chat every Thursday at 7PM (Mountain time)

Beyond the Walls facebook group, the digital wing of the Toronto, Canada congregation – NOTE: You are able to join and be an active member of this congregation from anywhere you are in the world.

Beyond the Walls’s hymn library

Latter-day Seekers, a Community of Christ group for people with an LDS background

The Latter-day Seekers’ website, which contains many FAQs and reading materials.

The Faithful Disagreement Policy, which affirms our right to dissent

Temple Tuesday, which explores the temple in Independence, Missouri with all of its meanings

Community of Christ Dialogue, the largest general-purpose Community of Christ facebook group

Find a local congregation

Sunday Worship Resources that the World Church puts out

Latter Day Truth, which has digitized a huge portion of historical church resources

CofC Stuff Webvault, which is an archive of some historic contemporary sermons.

Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation, which runs many of the historic sites that Community of Christ owns. They do church history lectures which are incredible.

Herald House, which is the church’s publishing arm and has many good books.

Harmony, the CoC LGBT advocacy group, has a lot of great resources on its website, FB page, and FB group.

World Conference Resolutions, which are statements that the delegates of the church have voted to pass.

Our Ministry Tools, which is a consolidated place for policies and procedures