Category: Religion
TIL there have been 8 different types of Moroni statues atop LDS temples
Read about them here
God isn’t perfect
At Universal Mormon Church last week someone brought up a familiar concept: eternal progression. This is a concept that many
These are the first sketches of the Independence Temple
See them here
B.H. Roberts and the integrity of the LDS church.
I just watched “The Rise and Fall of B.H. Roberts“, and was harrowed by it. In short, B.H. Roberts was
Continue readingB.H. Roberts and the integrity of the LDS church.
Word on the street is Will Bagley has suffered a series of strokes that have affected his memory
Will Bagley is a Mormon historian. He recently recorded episodes 444-452 with Gospel Tangents and “Writing Mormon History,” with Will Bagley and Joseph Geisner
What do you think would happen if Uchtdorf was the LDS prophet?
A couple days ago /u/NotTerriblyHelpful asked “What would happen if the Church ended worthiness interviews for everyone?“? It was an interesting question
Continue readingWhat do you think would happen if Uchtdorf was the LDS prophet?
Interesting highlights from the Journal of Discourses
Read them here