My Friend’s Ordination

I have a friend who is ex-LDS, but he is still a rather spiritual person, and has been a bit intrigued by the idea of reclaiming some aspects of Mormonism.

He is a transgender man and was never ordained while he was LDS. I told him that if he felt a call to priesthood he should read what I thought about priesthood and I would be more than happy to ordain him to anything he felt called to.

He told me he felt called to be a priest. We talked about it for a couple months, and I wrote about some things I wanted to express in his ordination.

This was the transcript of the ordination of my friend, which was conducted on March 8th, 2025. I am posting it here with his permission.

(My Friend), you were born into a contentious spiritual heritage, and it was an act of courage and a necessity for you to depart from it. Through your journey, you have blossomed into a man of righteousness, whose heart beats with love and compassion for his community. You tirelessly ensure that those around you feel seen, supported, and accompanied on their unique spiritual paths.

Now, as a man who has come into his own, you stand at a crossroads and reflect on the value that the Restoration may yet hold for you. While some within this tradition may fail to recognize your spiritual maturity and the depth of your journey, pay them no mind. You are an equal inheritor of the Restoration and are as entitled to its blessings and responsibilities as anyone else. The Restoration is a living, evolving heritage, and it is the responsibility of each generation to reshape the Restoration to meet the needs of their time. By reclaiming this tradition on your own terms, you have the power to transform it into a blessing for others and to make peace with the past that shaped you.

In this spirit of renewal, you have sought recognition of your ministry and felt called to the office of Priest. (My friend), I, (Gileriodekel), a High Priestess and Matriarch in our shared tradition, now lay my hands upon your head to ordain you to the Aaronic Priesthood in the office of Priest. This ordination affirms the calling you have felt in your heart and invites you to continue exploring the depths of your ministry, to nurture, love, and to offer wisdom and guidance to those around you.

While Priests have traditionally not been permitted to impart priesthood blessings, the needs of our time have changed. You are empowered to give priesthood blessings through the laying on of hands so that you may bring comfort to your community.

As you embark on this sacred calling, remember that even the strongest among us need the support of others. Lean on the vibrant community around you, seeking counsel and collaboration when guidance is required. Together, you can create a ministry of hope and healing.

May Asherah, the Heavenly Mother, bless you and nurture you as she lovingly guides your spirit to a place of peace.


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