Timeline of the Restoration Church of Jesus Christ

I am trying to get the timeline straight of this church, so I thought I would make a post and add to it as I find more info.

Archive of many of these documents can be found here.

May 15th, 1983: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation now canonized as HT&P 3 which states that priesthood is independent from any institutional church. (1)

March 9th, 1985: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation now canonized as HT&P 4 which talks about how Feliz will have a companion in spiritual work and the Law of Adoption will be restored. (1)

July 1985: Formally organizing RCJC is first proposed (1)

July 1985: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation now canonized as HT&P 5 that states that excommunicated members should continue to perform ordinances. (1)

August 8th, 1985: John R. Crane receives a revelation now canonized as HT&P 7 which confirms to him that he will play a part in the formation of RCJC. (1)

August 13th, 1985: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation now canonized as HT&P 6 that the new church should be called “The Church of Jesus Christ of All Latter-day Saints”, and the church should run though common consent. (1); John R. Crane receives another revelation now canonized as HT&P 7 which confirms to him that he will play a part in the formation of RCJC. (1)

August 14th, 1985: RCJC’s organizational meeting (1)

August 15th, 1985: John R. Crane receives another revelation, now canonized as HT&P 8, which confirms to him that he will play a part in the formation of RCJC. (1)

August 25th, 1985: Invitation to help found church is published (1)

August 28th, 1985: church organized in California (1); HT&P 6 is canonized (2)

August 29th, 1985: Temporary presidency formed and is composed of Antonio A. Feliz, John R. Crane, and LaMar Hamilton; Antonio A. Feliz set apart as Presiding High Priest; John R. Crane ordained a High Priest and set apart as Presiding Evangelist. (1)

September 5th-6th, 1985: Antonio A. Feliz and John R. Crane receive a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 9 and called “The Law of the Gospel”, which reiterates the importance of the Golden Rule; explains that chastity is about acting through love and not selfishness or lustful; is sex positive; verse 27 hints at acceptability of non-monogamy (1)

September 10th, 1985: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 10, which clarifies that if people aren’t able to abide by the full Law of the Gospel (HT&P 9) in regards to sexuality they may fall back on lesser teachings. (1)

September 29th, 1985: Pamela Calkins is ordained an elder by Antonio A. Feliz (1)

October 4th, 1985: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation now canonized as Hidden Treasures and Promises (HT&P) section 1 which validates the organization of the temporary presidency (1) Antonio A. Feliz receives another revelation, now canonized as HT&P 11, which says that it is good that women are ordained to all levels of the priesthood, because women have historically held priesthood and they provide valuable insights for all of humanity. (2)

October 17th, 1985: Article in the Gayzette (1)

October 22nd, 1985: A revelation received by Antonio A. Feliz, now canonized as HT&P 12, urges the temporary presidency to not to rush into creating additional presiding bodies. Congregations – called families – are to be established first. (1)

December 7th, 1986: First person rebaptized. (1)

December 8th, 1985: A revelation is received, which is now canonized as HT&P 13, which states that the church can use a name that the state of California will approve; designates Antonio as the Presiding High Priest, LaMar as Presiding Bishop and First Counselor in Temporary Presidency, and John R. Crane as Presiding Evangelist and Second Counselor in Temporary presidency. (1)

January 1st, 5th, 1986: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 14, which says that leaders should be ordained only to that which they have been sustained as. Apostles are all prophets, seer, and revelators; church should prepare for missionary work; Elder Mark D. Bluto is to give dedicatory prayer. (1)

January 20th, 1986: John R. Crane receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 15, which clarifies questions regarding his calling, he is called as a “Second Witness” alongside Antonio A. Feliz, John is expected to bear testimony. (1)

January 23rd, 1986: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 18, which releases John R. Crane from the Temporary Presidency and called Pamela Calkins to the Temporary Presidency; Encouragement to continue working towards the Temple Structure. Antonio is also told who will succeed him as president of the church, but this isn’t shared. (1)

January 28th, 1986: Mark D. Bluto is given a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 16, in which he has a vision of a united world; he is given a dedication prayer for the world so the Queer community may be brought the gospel. (1)

February 8th, 1986: Three people representing the Restoration Church of Jesus Christ spoke about their organization to a small audience at the Salt Lake Public Library (1)

February 12th, 1986: Proclamation for the church to fast for favorable LGBT rights in SCOTUS (1)

February 14th, 1986: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 17, that funds should be collected to purchase a temple structure – This temple eventually is a tabernacle; a portable temple where ordinances can be performed. (1)

March 13th, 1986: First General Conference announced for March 22nd, 1986 (1)

March 22nd-23rd, 1986: First General Conference takes place 4953 Franklin Avenue Los Angeles, California. Pamela Calkins is ordained a High Priest and made 2nd counselor in temporary presidency (1) HT&P 16 canonized (2)

March 1986: Sunstone article on RCJC published (1)

March 1986: Triangle Magazine interviews Antonio A. Feliz and Pamela Calkins (1)

March 27th, 1986: Pamela Calkins receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 19, which teaches Lynn LaMaster about the temple ceremonies. (1)

April 3rd, 1986: LaMar Hamilton receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 20, which says that Heavenly Mother and Father are united and you may pray to both/either, women have been historically oppressed, the historical implementation of polygamy was oppressive (1)

April 4th, 1986: John R. Crane receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 21, which essentially calls for a balance between recognizing the power of spiritual gifts and ensuring they are exercised with humility, purpose, and alignment with divine will. It also defends the continuation of revelation and the Church’s spiritual vitality, inviting believers to deepen their relationship with God through faith, hope, and charity. (1) Antonio A. Feliz also recieves a revelation, which is now described in the preface of HT&P 22, which says that “Heavenly Mother” and “Heavenly Father” are titles which can apply to many exalted people, including Queer folks. (2)

April 6th, 1986: John R. Crane receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 22, which commends the church for seeking Him, ordinances teach how to achieve unity with God, further revelations will come. (1)

April 27, 1986: Salt Lake branch – first in the church – was organized (1)

May 6th, 1986: John R. Crane receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 25, celebrating the Saints’ sacrifices in building a temporary tabernacle and performing Initiatory Ordinances. It calls the Saints to become living temples, establish Zion, and fulfill their divine calling as witnesses in the final dispensation, promising spiritual power and blessings through faith and charity. (1)

May 7th, 1986: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 23, which speaks on tithing, and how there is no “one true church” – just branches of God’s kingdom. (1)

May 15, 1986: Antonio A. Feliz receives a revelation, now canonized as HT&P 24, emphasizing establishing priesthood quorums over church structures, affirming sacred sealing power, and calling for unity, holiness, and reliance on the Spirit. Antonio is reaffirmed in his prophetic role and instructed to prepare leaders and continue preaching without purse or scrip.

May 21st, 1986: Antonio A. Feliz gives sealing power to John R. Crane. (1)

End of May 1986: Temple structure brought to SLC (1)

June 4th, 1986: Second General Conference announced for June 14th-15th, 1986. (1)

June 10th, 1986: First endowments – David Ewing took out his own and Mike Howard went through for the deceased Clair Harward (1)

June 12th, 1986: Revelation that Antonio A. Feliz and John R. Crane are to give each other the 2nd Anointing. (1)

July 1st, 1986: John R. Crane and Antonio A. Feliz receive revelations, now HT&P 32 (1)

June 14th-15th, 1986: General Conference held at John R. Crane’s home at 15034 Sunburst Street, Sepulveda, California (1)

June 25, 1986: official records of the Restoration Church were lost when the backpack of Eddie Muldong, the church historian, was stolen in Los Angeles. (1)

August 8th, 1986: Antonio A. Feliz is now the Acting Presiding Bishop as well as the president of the church (1)

September 21st, 1986: Pamela Calkins, Lynn LaMasters, Carol Dee, and Leanna Anderson are all sealed together as wives (1) (2. Unto All Peoples vol.1 no.2 says this took place on December 24th, 1986)

November 6th, 1986: Robert M. McIntier’s Letter (1)

December 13th, 1986: First men sealed together – Ronald Socha and William Calhoun. (1)

December 20th-21st, 1986: Quarterly Priesthood Conference held in Los Angeles. (1)

December 21st, 1986: Rand Laurent is baptized by Ted Brandhusrt. Laurent is ordained a Seventy. (1)

January 1987: First edition of Unto All Peoples published (1)

February 5th, 1986: Tax exempt status is filed (1)

February 1987: Vol 1 No. 2 of Unto All Peoples published (1)

March 1987: Vol 1 no 3 of Unto All Peoples is published. (1)

First weekend of March 1987: High Council Retreat in Sacramento (1)

March 21st, 1987: Four “Hidden Revelations” and the Lectures on Faith are canonized (1) (2)

March 31st, 1986: Tax Exempt Status accepted; filing No. C1527706 (1) Leanna Anderson listed as registered agent (2) (search here)

June 26th, 1986: Temporary Presidency is dissolved and replaced with a quorum of High Priests which is presided over by a presidency of the High Priesthood (1)

April 1987: Antonio A. Feliz teaches about Multiple Mortal Probations in Salt Lake City. John R. Crane prepares 10-page document on this doctrine. (1)

April 24th, 1987: Wayne Snider is ordained a Seventy by Rand Laurent in Salt Lake City, and shortly departs to San Francisco as a full-time missionary. (1)

April 26th, 1987: Sandra McDonald is made steward over the Temple Structure (1. HT&P 57:10) (2)

April 28th, 1987: Statement on tithing (1)

May 6th, 1987: Seventy Mark Douglas Bluto passes away. (1)

May 10th, 1987: Richard Gillespie is ordained an elder by Antonio A. Feliz in San Francisco (1)

May 18th, 1987: Palm Springs, California area is dedicated by John R. Crane (1) (2)

May 19th, 1987: Elders Ronald D. Socha and William E. Calhoun were set apart as missionaries by Antonio A. Feliz in Los Angeles. (1)

May 19th, 1987: Notice of the Quarterly Priesthood Conference for June 21st, 1987 (1)

May 24th, 1987: Victoria “Torey” Leeper is set apart as the new Presiding Elder of Sacramento (1)

June 13th, 1987: Antonio A. Feliz teaches about Multiple Mortal Probations at the MCC on Eureka st. in the Castro District of San Francisco (1)

June 20th-21st, 1987: Quarterly Priesthood Conference in Sacramento, California. Business session on June 20th was for all priesthood holders. Solemn Assembly held on June 21st. (1) Antonio A. Feliz and John R. Crane are ousted, allegedly for teaching Multiple Mortal Probations, which was not accepted by the majority of the church. (2) (3) (4. says this was in May) and a new Interim Presidency was sustained with Robert McIntier as president, John R. Crane released from working on Unto All Peoples (3)

July 23rd, 1987: Corporate filing moved to Utah; entity No. 973030-0141, Robert M. McIntier as registered agent. (1) (Search can be conducted here)

September 26th, 1987: Thomas L. Gibby is ordained a High Priest and given sealing powers by John R. Crane (1)

September 27th, 1987: Thomas L. Gibby is ordained an apostle, prophet, seer, revelator, patriarch, and president by John R. Crane; Thomas L. Gibby also receives his 2nd anointing (1)

December 8th, 1987: John R. Crane publishes vol. 0 no. 1 of independent publication “The Angel of the Desert”. (1) (2)

December 17th, 1987: In a letter to Steve Shields, Founder John R. Crane states that he no longer believes that the RCJC should have formally organized and he has resigned his membership. (1)

January 2nd, 1988: Vol. 1 no 1 of The Angel of the Desert is published; Hidden Treasures and Promises is said to have 126 sections (1)

February 22nd, 1988: Vol. 1 No. 2 of The Angel of the Desert is published (1)

April 14th, 1988: Vol. 1, No 3-4 of The Angel of the Desert is published (1)

April 17th, 1988: Dennis Lee Wright III receives sealing power from John R. Crane and is ordained an apostle and patriarch by John R. Crane, Thomas L. Gibby, and Rand L. Laurent; Allen L. Hose is given sealing powers and is ordained an apostle and patriarch by Dennis L. Wright; Rand L. Laurent is given sealing powers and is ordained a patriarch; (1)

June 1988: “Out of the Bishop’s Closet” by Antonio A. Feliz is published (1)

March 24th-25th, 1990: 4th semi-annual General Conference takes place at the Radisson Hotel in San Diego, California; official membership at this time was 52 members, with families (congregations) in Sacramento, San Diego, Albuquerque, and Houston; 26-lesson Aaronic Priesthood Instruction Manual released; Peggy Sky Eagle and William Morgan are ordained to office of Elder; Dennis L. Wright Blatnik was ordained as patriarch by Charles Morgan; Houston family was called to take over publication of Unto All Peoples (1)

March/April 1990: The San Diego Family (Charlie Morgan, Denniw Wright, Bruce Fraer, bruce’s friend Randy, and David Martin) schismed and founded The Restoration Fellowship of Jesus Christ (1)

April 1990: Unto All Peoples Vol. 4, No. 1 published (1)

May 1990: Unto All Peoples Vol. 4 No. 2 published (1)

September 1992: Second Edition of “Out of the Bishop’s Closet” by Antonio A. Feliz is published (1)

November 15th, 1998: President Douglas B. Madrid restructures priesthood assignments; Madrid becomes inactive member of quorum of apostles; Larry L. Tidwell and Daryl D. Dille were released as counselors of first presidency (1)

January 1999: Unto All Peoples Volume 14, No. 1 published (1)

March 1999: Unto All Peoples Volume 14, No. 3 published (1)

March 1999: RCJC.org is announced as church’s domain, but this takes years to implement. (1) This was the church’s website from 1999-2001 (2) and this is the church’s website from 2001-2008 (3)

April 1999: Unto All Peoples Volume 14, No. 4 published (1)

May 9th, 1999: “mini-Conference” session. (1)

Sometime between April & November: Douglas B. Madrid is released as church president and becomes the presiding patriarch; Robert M. McIntier becomes president again. (1)

November 1999: Unto All Peoples Volume 14, No. 11 published; history of office of presiding patriarch is recounted (1)

2004: “Becoming open souls: transcending institutional seduction & cultural rape” by Antonio A. Feliz is published; he states he has joined Community of Christ (1)

February 2, 2016: Robert M. McIntier passes away (1)