I have been thinking a lot about the Endowment and the Temples they are usually performed in lately. I have no Temple, because there is none that would let me in, unfortunately.
I decided to write a poem about how this makes me feel.
In temples bright, where peace is known,
Washings, anointings, blessings shown.
Endowments weave through veils of light,
A place of beauty, pure and bright.
But I, a Queer, trans woman, roam,
Without a temple to call home.
Isolated, I ache to see,
A temple that will welcome me.
Until that day, I’ll make my own,
A temple here, within my home.
Alone, I’ll pray, and hope to see,
A temple that will welcome me.
I also created a graphic to go along with this poem. The buildings starting at the top and going clockwise are: Kirtland, Salt Lake City, Zodiac, Independence, Ozumba, Righteous Branch, Independent Fundamentalist