The following is an amalgamation of several accounts of a visitation which I believe to have been initiated by an entheogenic sacrament that was taken at Newel K. Whitney’s store.
Here are the various accounts I drew from:
History, 1838–1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805–30 August 1834]
A. On March 18th, 1833, the School of the Prophets convened in the upper room of Newel K. Whitney’s store.
B. Sidney Rigdon ordained Philastus Hurlburt to the Office of Elder.
C. Sidney Rigdon explained that he and Frederick G. Williams had been called to be equals with Joseph Smith Jr., based on a revelation received ten days earlier.
D. Joseph laid his hands on them and ordained them to be his equals in the High Priesthood.
A. Joseph instructed and exhorted those in attendance to have faith and be true to the commandments of God.
B. Joseph promised that the pure in heart that were present would see a heavenly vision.
C. He then blessed bread and wine, and he, Sidney, and Frederick distributed a portion of it to each person.
A. All knelt in silent prayer with hands lifted to the heavens.
B. After praying for a short time, the promise was fulfilled, and many present had their eyes of understanding opened.
A. A man walked through the room from east to west.
B. Joseph asked if anyone else has seen him, which many confirmed.
C. Joseph explained that this man was Jesus Christ, our Elder Brother.
D. Joseph instructed them to resume their prayers.
A. Another man entered the room, surrounded by what appeared to be fire which was so brilliant that only his general features could be seen.
B. His presence was so powerful it endowed thrilling sensations throughout their bodies, felt even in their bones.
C. Those who saw him were so overwhelmed that they felt as if they could melt.
D. Joseph explained that this was our Heavenly Father.
E. Joseph told them that since they had seen the Father and the Savior, and knew they were two separate personages, they were prepared to be Apostles.
Heavenly visions, concourses of angels, and many other Divine manifestations were experienced.