I sent a letter to Community of Christ’s prophet, Stephen Veazey, saying the following and giving him some CoC LGBT stickers:
December 2020 Letter
Hello, Steve!
I am fairly new to Community of Christ, so I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Evan Sharley! I am a polyamorous bisexual and spirituality has always been a cornerstone of my life. I grew up in the LDS church, studied Buddhism for a couple years and became a Buddhist minister, and then wanted to re-approach the Restoration.
I wanted to find a spiritual community that would accept me for who I am and the perspective that I can bring to the table. I found Community of Christ and fell in love with the Enduring Principles, particularly with “Unity in Diversity”, “Worth of All Persons”, and “All Are Called”.
I was also particularly struck by D&C 163:7C and D&C 164:6A-6B. These are some of the most profound scriptures I have ever read. It makes me feel as if my human worth and existence is reaffirmed through scripture. Thank you for your part in helping the Divine communicate this to me, our community, and the world.
However, as with all communities, there are some people who couldn’t see how I fit in. I was discouraged and worried that Community of Christ wouldn’t accept me for who I am. I reached out to some folks at Harmony and they helped me realize that not only would I be accepted within Community of Christ, but I would also be celebrated. They have been instrumental in me becoming a part of our spiritual community.
I am aiming to officially join Community of Christ on February 6th, which is the 6-year anniversary of my departure from the LDS church. It feels so good and I am so excited to no longer be in diaspora. I am ready to finally come home.
I wanted to have a Community of Christ sticker for my water bottle that reflected how I am included in the community. I couldn’t find one, so I designed and fabricated an intersectional LGBT/POC Community of Christ vinyl sticker. I made quite a few of them, and I thought that if I wanted one I’m sure others wanted one as well. I am happy that I get to share this sticker with you.
If you’re able or want to, I would love for you to take a picture of where you put your sticker and post it in the Community of Christ Dialogue Facebook page!
Its lovely to meet you! I look forward to the day we can meet in person.
This is the got a letter back from him: