CoC has 8 core rituals, which are referred to as “Sacraments“. They include baptism, confirmation, communion, ordination, child blessing, healing blessings, marriage, and evangelist (patriarchal) blessing.
Last year Community of Christ released a policy last year to allow communion to be conducted over video chat. Several months later Covid hit.
About a month ago CoC decided to expand access the rest of those sacraments through video chat. I have been told by a seventy that even baptism can now be conducted via video chat.
Church headquarters was a little vague about what these zoom sacraments would look like, and largely left interpretation up to specific congregations. In my opinion this was to allow the tradition to naturally and organically evolve. This picture represents one of the first zoom sacraments that has been conducted in Community of Christ.
CoC is at an impasse. No one is quite sure how CoC will look once the pandemic over, because so much of CoC has gone online. Some people worry that the availability via online will disappear after the pandemic is over, while others are worried that in-person meetings will completely disappear.
One thing is for sure: this is a unique aspect of the Mormon experience.