The fact of the matter is we’re all the same. Whether TBM or exmo, we’re still Mormon. Statisitcally, we have the same ancestry, customs, culture, food, holidays, and homeland. We’re 2 sides of the same coin. We’re often literally family. We need to start looking out for each other instead of attacking each other. We need to stop the one upping and name calling. We are the same people who can enrich each others’ lives if we let it.
Today my sister was telling me about a final she has in seminary on Tuesday and how she’s frantically reading the BoM to catch up. She said that the most boring part was the olive branch analogy. She said it dragged on and on and on. I agreed with her and related my dislike for that same part for the same reasons. We got talking about the BoM and she told me that Nephi really liked Isaiah. I told her how 12% of the BoM is just Isaiah and 2.5% is “and it came to pass”. She thought that was interesting to know. We have disagreements about how the BoM came to be, but we don’t fight about it. If we had animosity between us regarding this topic, I wouldn’t have been able to bond with my sister and she wouldn’t have learned that bit about the BoM.