Craig Zwick has been a GA since 1995. His construction company, Zwick Construction, has done a shit ton of work for the church. He built the temples in
- Cedar City, UT
- Cordoba, Argentina
- Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Portland, OR
He also did the remodeling of these temples:
- Portland, OR
- Bountiful, UT
- Manti, UT
- St. George, UT
They don’t have it listed, but he also built
- the Family History Library
- the South Visitors Center on Temple Square
- the Museum of Church History and Art
- LDS motion pictures studios (Interestingly, this was on his website, but was removed in 2015)
Plus he did 9 chapels in 9 different cities.
I mean for fucks sake, this GA gets so much business from the church he has a section on his website entitled “Other Projects for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” which is a catch-all for the projects that aren’t temples or chapels.
EDIT: He doesn’t own it anymore, his son does. However, his son is seriously profiting off of his dad’s status.