My Neo-Mormon Articles of Faith

The Articles of Faith were originally created in order to articulate the original church’s beliefs at the time. Since then, just about every Mormon church has created their own unique versions.

I have stepped into this tradition before in order to attempt to articulate a much more broad understanding, but I have decided to create my own version to articulate my own beliefs.

My Views on Our Nature

1. I believe that all existence is composed of matter and spirit, both of which may be eternally refined and renewed, ever capable of improvement and expansion. The sum of the latter is known as the Great Spirit that fills the universe, gives life, and is the creative force in all things.

2. I believe that goddesses, gods, deities, humanity, and spirits share a common nature and are of the same spiritual species, the more mature of which serve as Heavenly Parents. According to the doctrine of eternal progression, we will grow line upon line, precept upon precept, until we have achieved exaltation. In short, as we are now, our Heavenly Parents once were; as our Heavenly Parents are now, we may become.

3. I believe in the doctrine of multiple mortal probations, which is that we will have as many lifetimes as we need to achieve our exaltation.

My Views on Worship

4. I believe in honoring my spiritual heritage, Mormonism, while reinterpreting it to meet the needs of my own day.

5. I believe my Mormon ancestors took part in entheogenic sacraments to help them connect with the divine and that this is my most powerful tool for doing the same today.

6. I believe that while priesthood and ordination are human-derived concepts and rituals, they nevertheless help recognize the spiritual role that one serves in the community.

7. I believe that since I recognize the fundamental divinity and equality of all individuals, I am obligated to actively reject and dismantle unjust laws and hierarchical structures that perpetuate inequality and create and uphold just communities and laws in their place in order to foster unity among all people and strive to create peace, safety, and comfort for all.

My Views on Scripture

8. I believe that the Heavenly Parents continue to speak with all of humanity, and I commit to seeking more light and truth from all available sources while rejecting oppressive and harmful doctrines.

9. I believe that scripture was written in diverse times and places and reflects the languages, cultures, and conditions under which they were written. We may learn from the writings of these times, but we must not be bound by them.

10. I believe that all scripture is art and is most meaningful — spiritually, ethically, and intellectually — when understood as such.

My Views on History

11. I believe that our history is separate from our mythology and scripture, but all have valuable lessons to teach.

12. I believe that continuing to explore Mormon history is part of my identity formation, but my theological beliefs are not necessarily restricted by it.

13. I believe that learning about Mormon history gives me valuable insights for my personal progression by learning from the follies and successes of the past.

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